Indiana Military Family Leave Act (Effective 7/1/2007)

An eligible employee who is a family member of a person on active duty in the United States Armed Forces, or the National Guard, may be eligible to take leave of up to a total of ten (10) workdays per rolling calendar year under the Indiana Military Family Leave Act of 2007.

An employee is eligible if he/she has been employed by the University for at least twelve (12) months; has worked at least 1500 hours during the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the day the leave beings; and is a spouse, parent, grandparent, or sibling of a military member called to active duty.

Active duty is defined as full-time service on active duty orders in the armed forces of the United States, or the National Guard, for a period that exceeds eighty-nine (89) consecutive calendar days.

The Act provides for unpaid leave of up to ten (10) workdays per rolling calendar year during one or more of the following periods:

  1. Within the thirty (30) day period before active duty orders are in effect:
  2. During a period in which the person ordered to active duty is on leave while active duty orders are in effect; or
  3. During the thirty (30) day period after the active duty orders are terminated.

The employee must provide the University with at least thirty (30) days notice of the intention to take leave, unless the active duty orders are issued less than thirty (30) days before the date the requested leave is to begin. In addition, the employee must supply the University with documentation verifying the family member’s call to active duty. Non-faculty employees will be required to use available vacation, personal leave, and or compensatory time to cover the leave period being taken. Any time taken which is not covered by paid leave time will then be treated as unpaid leave.

In accordance with the Indiana Military Family Leave Act of 2007, the University hereby states that it will continue the employee’s benefits during the period of the leave (with the employee being responsible for payment of the employee portion of health benefits during the period of any unpaid leave) and will reinstate the employee to the same or an equivalent position upon the return from leave.