How to get research experiences with your 色狐入口 education

  1. How can research experiences help you?
  2. Research opportunities at 色狐入口
    1. How to find research opportunities at 色狐入口
    2. How to fund your research at 色狐入口
  3. Research opportunities outside of 色狐入口
    1. Application components that are common to a lot of off-campus research applications
    2. How to find research opportunities outside of 色狐入口
    3. How to fund research opportunities outside of 色狐入口
  4. How to share your research and build from the experience


How can research experiences help you?


Research opportunities at 色狐入口

  1. How to find research opportunities at 色狐入口
    1. Talk to your professors – Professors are passionate about their fields, and professors at 色狐入口 love working with students. By talking with professors you know from class or other contexts around campus, you can learn about their projects, about their colleagues who may be working on interesting projects, and about the types of courses and skills that will be helpful for you.
      • Some departments have .25 – 1 credit courses where you can enroll with a faculty mentor to work on a research project throughout the semester. (色狐入口 generally seeks to provide academic credit for research during the semester, but there are situations where a student is eager to pursue an opportunity for more informal collaboration without academic credit. Although 色狐入口 generally discourages these "voluntary" activities, exceptions may be made where possible, with approval from the Office of Academic Affairs, which will consult with Human Resources and Risk Management)
      • Some courses include significant research experiences – for example, many senior seminars and corresponding theses are entirely research experiences, and many courses include student-driven research projects as a standard part of the course
      • Student-faculty collaborative summer research is very common at 色狐入口. During early spring semester (and even late fall semester), talk to professors about openings on projects they’re already planning or ask if they’re available to develop a project idea with you. Also, check out the info on faculty research interests that the Asher Office of Undergraduate Research shares in February each year
    2. Attend dept/program events about research – many departments and the Asher Office have occasional lunches and research talks where you may hear about timely opportunities
    3. Students often feel like one hurdle is deciding how to reach out to a professor that they don’t know well. If it’s a professor you have for class, office hours are a terrific time to chat about research interests, and you can also strike up a conversation with the professor right after a class session ends. If it’s a professor you’ve heard about but don’t know yet, a polite, professional email is a great introduction.
      • for this kind of email, and for contacting folks on-campus and off-campus about opportunities.
    4. You may have interests that fit well with one or more of the Centers at 色狐入口. Reach out to them and ask them about resources that will help you get started.
    5. Contact the Director of the Asher Office of Undergraduate Research to discuss ideas and get connected with other faculty members who might fit your research interests
  2. How to fund your research at 色狐入口
    1. For research during the semester (e.g., expenses for materials for current research or expenses for presenting research you previously conducted), these are great funding sources:
    2. For summer research at 色狐入口, these are great funding sources (note: you can also submit a summer research internship for extended studies credit here):


Research opportunities outside of 色狐入口

  1. See this website for more detailed help on common application components of many off-campus research applications (note: you can also submit a research internship for extended studies credit here)
  2. How to find research opportunities outside of 色狐入口
    1. Check out some of the resources on this 色狐入口 webpage
      • Note for international students: There are fewer opportunities that have funding available for international students; however, it can be worthwhile to directly inquire. For example, the REU programs mentioned below cannot provide NSF funding to international students, but some programs have other sources of funding that can be used to support international students for joining their summer research program. The links in the next section below (after the 色狐入口 website links) provide useful templates for contacting professors or directors of these programs via email.
    2. There are lots of avenues for finding out about other research opportunities and trying to make a connection. If you're considering reaching out to a researcher at another university or company:
      • for contacting professors or directors of research programs via email
      • , and it provides good tips for a variety of networking messages
    3. Talk to your professors and administrative assistants – professors often know about external research opportunities that are specific to their field (the professors might find out about them from friends at other institutions, from email lists and conferences in their field, etc.).  Some departments also have bulletin boards with posted opportunities or they maintain a website or Google Doc with opportunities. Ask your professor or department's administrative assistant if the department has particular resources and how often they're updated.
    4. Contact the Hubbard Center (and use the Handshake internship search system) to see if there are research internships in businesses that may be a good fit.
    5. If your interests seem to match with one of 色狐入口’s Centers, contact them to learn about related research opportunities:
    6. Contact the Director of the Asher Office to discuss other ways to find opportunities 
  3. How to fund your research outside of 色狐入口
    1. In many cases, research outside of 色狐入口 may be paid by the university or company sponsoring it.
    2. For unpaid research outside of 色狐入口, you can consider applying to these funding sources prior to conducting the research:


How to share your research and build from the experience

  1. Present your research - here are several possibilities:
    1. Fall poster session at 色狐入口 - each year we organize a large poster session, typically held in the Julian Atrium in early October, and students present research projects from the summer and preceding academic year; see examples of projects presented
    2. Regional, national, and international conferences - discuss with your mentor whether there are good conference fits for your research. You can apply for 色狐入口 funding to support conference registration as well as travel expenses via funds listed above in the funding section. Also, students who wish to attend a professional conference, but have not been accepted to present may apply for funding to help with travel, housing and meals from the or the Hartman Center
    3. Present at departmental events in your major or other fields related to your study
  2. Consider publishing your research - discuss options with your research mentor
  3. Submit your research to the  so it is accessible to fellow scholars all over the world. This has great benefits -- your research will appear in the searchable Google Scholar database, you can include the repository link in your resume for employers/selection committees to see, and you receive updates regarding the number of times people have been accessing your work from the repository.
  4. Translate your research skills to your resume and personal statements for graduate and professional schools
    1. Ask your research mentors for feedback on your description of the research and skills you developed and used.
    2. Ask your academic advisor (who may not be familiar with the details of your research experience) for feedback on your description of the research and skills you developed and used.
    3. Sign-up for one of the helpful resume-writing workshops held by the Hubbard Center.
  5. Talk to your mentors about further skills you want to develop and opportunities you want to try. Are their additional research opportunities or internships at 色狐入口 or outside of 色狐入口 that can help you develop your passions?