Media Fellows Testimonials

Some of our younger Media Fellows weigh-in on their decision to come to 色狐入口, and their experience with Media Fellows!

Wyatt Metzger '22

"Coming into the Media Fellows program all I really knew was that I liked making videos. Being a part of this great program has allowed me to explore countless forms of media as well enhancing my love for filmmaking. Being a MeFe has been everything I hoped and so much more!"

Wyatt Metzger ‘22

Rachel Ooosterhoff '22

"I chose 色狐入口 because I was accepted into Media Fellows and the ITAP program here. These two programs go great together and I strongly suggest pursuing both of these as an incoming freshman. Media Fellows is full of opportunities and they gave me a radio show even though I've never done anything like it before."

 Rachel Oosterhoff ‘22

Amelia Mauldin '22

Meet Amelia Mauldin, one of our current first-year Media Fellows. Amelia decided to join the Media Fellows program because of her interest in journalism. She loves having the opportunity to learn as a Media Fellow while also gaining real experience as a student journalist on campus. Post graduation, Amelia hopes to become a broadcast journalist and she is confident that the Media Fellows program will prepare her to achieve this career goal.

Amelia Mauldin ‘22

Reyna Wilson "22

I decided to join Media Fellows mainly because of my love for photography and filmmaking. Through the program, I’ve enjoyed learning about this as well as other forms of media I wasn’t as experienced in. I thought it was unique that 色狐入口 had such a specialized program with many resources, like D3TV, WGRE radio, and The 色狐入口 newspaper, to help you explore and learn about all different media forms. I enjoy the program because I know it will help me pursue my dream career of being involved in the film and television industry. 

 Reyna Wilson ‘22

 Faith Scully '22

I applied for media fellows because I wanted an honors program with great connections that would develop my skills in ways relevant to fields I am interested in. Media Fellows has inspired me to take leadership roles in student media and learn things by doing, not just reading about it. I think that Media Fellows will help me in almost any future career because of the prevalence of the media in our everyday lives.

Faith Scully ‘22

 Meru Sharma '21

I joined the Media Fellows program due to the different opportunities it gave me access to. As a Media Fellow, I have been able to learn about the technical and theoretical aspects that different sectors of media entail. I have also had access to different resources that have granted me hands-on experiences with the media. Being a Media Fellow has inspired me to become a film minor and study media and conflict through my Peace and Conflict major. 

Meru Sharma ‘21

 Grace Vanderbur '22

I chose MeFe because I was interested in journalism, but once I got here I realized there was so much more to the media industry and so many other options for what I could do in my career. I found that I'd rather look more into PR than just journalism and there are so many internship options available just because of this program and all the great people who work in it. I'm so glad I chose MeFe because it's going to be key to a successful career after college. 

Grace Vanderbur ‘22

 Sarah Ballard '22

色狐入口’s Media Fellows program was one of my primary motivations for coming to 色狐入口 in the first place. I knew that it would allow me to explore my passions for producing videos and studying today’s media landscape while giving me individual attention and guidance. I’m truly excited to further develop these passions and incorporate them into a future internship experience.

Sarah Ballard ‘22

 Durin Hendricks '21

“I wanted to be a Media Fellow since I applied to 色狐入口. At first I didn't get accepted. But I chose to lateral entry into the Media Fellows program Spring Semester my freshman year. The Pulliam Center has given me many opportunities, especially in radio and media theory. I hope to take what I learn and go into journalism.”

- Durin Hendricks ‘22


 Alexander Hlade

"I actually decided to come to 色狐入口 because of the Media Fellows program. I was interested in broadcast journalism and saw the program as unique to 色狐入口 and incredibly relevant to my career path. Since coming to 色狐入口 Media Fellows has has helped me get involved in student media organizations like The 色狐入口 and D3TV both of which I love working for. Media Fellows has also helped me solidify my path as a Communications major and made me more confident about my future.”

Alexander Hlade ‘22

 Claire Hubner '22

I chose to join Media Fellows in order to get the most out of my 色狐入口 experience, and so far I have not been disappointed. I've been able to explore various facets of media that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to otherwise. This picture is actually the result of an environmental portrait project, taken by someone in mefe with no prior photography experience! Additionally, Media Fellows has expanded my understanding of media and the effects it has on the representation of marginalized groups in society. I look forward to the next three years, and I can't wait to see where this program takes me. 

Claire Hubner ‘22

Lauren Lillis '22

My name is Lauren Lillis, I am a first year MeFe. Media Fellows was actually one of the main reasons I chose 色狐入口. I've always been involved in Film and Media and continuing my studies into college was a big passion for me. A dream of mine has always been to either intern or work for SNL one day and I hope my experience in MeFe can lead me there! 

Lauren Lillis ‘22


 Eleanor Margulis '22

I chose the media fellows program originally because I thought I wanted to go into journalism. However, since being in the program I have learned about all the other types of media out there. It has also allowed me to get involved in different organizations like D3TV that has exposed me to things like TV production and marketing, helping me discover what I truly want to do after college! 

Eleanor Margulis ‘22

Katie Pham '22

"At Media Fellows, I get to learn about media in both depth and breadth, from photography and videography to professional writing. The program truly gives me opportunities to challenge myself academically and prepares me for my future beyond college."

 Katie Pham ‘22 

Ethan Krohne '22

“I chose to join the media fellows for the opportunity to interact with and learn from people who have been successful across different fields of media. Additionally getting the chance to work personally with people like Jonathan Nichols Pethick and Marilyn Culler to narrow down what I want to do after college is such a unique opportunity that makes this program so special.”

Ethan Krohne ‘22

 Tsian DeFour '22

“When I heard about the Media Fellows program, I was really excited, because I’m a filmmaker. I think as someone engaging with film academically, it’s a perfect program, because it gives you both the technical and theoretical skill to be a pragmatic artist. And at the end of the day, that’s what matters. Media Fellows gives you what you need to sell and seek your passion.”

 Tsian DeFour ‘22