Hubbard Center Funding

Funding for off-campus experiences and career development.

Off-Campus Programs 

For all off-campus study funding, scholarships are awarded automatically based on financial aid information and scholarship criteria.

Bohmer Family Fund for International Study: $500

Provides support for study abroad expenses for a student with demonstrated financial need. Eligibility: Open to Juniors and Seniors only.  

Chris Chute Memorial Scholarship for Study Abroad: AMOUNT VARIES

Provides support for study abroad expenses for students with demonstrated financial needs, who wish to participate in a full semester program.    

France Summer Language Immersion Scholarship: amount varies

Eligibility: Students who are majoring or minoring in the language, as well as students with demonstrated financial need.

Global Access Initiate Challenge Scholarship: $2,000

Eligibility: Students-of-color who would otherwise not study abroad if they commit to a short-term faculty-led program and they commit to a full semester study abroad

GRANITO FUND: Amount Varies

Provide supplemental travel and logistical stipends. Eligibility: Students participating in programs in Latin America and the Border Studies Program.

lemon family SCHOLARSHIP: Up To $2,000

Provides support for students with financial need to participate in a semester-long or Winter Term experience to study the arts abroad. Eligibility: Preference will be given to creative or performing arts majors.

Morehead Givens Western Art History Scholarship: up to $2,000

Eligibility: Students studying in Western Europe and enrolling in a Western Art History course while off-campus for a semester. Art Studio and Art History majors are not eligible for this scholarship.

Sweet Fund for International Study: up to $1,500

Provides assistance for a student with demonstrated financial need to study abroad. Eligibility: Open to Juniors and Seniors only. Preference will be given to students traveling to Germany

Vaky Fund in Inter-American Relations: Amount Varies

Provide support for students to participate in off-campus experiences related to Inter-American Relations. Eligibility: Seniors will not be funded for activities after they graduate.

Ypma Scholarship: up to $500

Provides support for a student in good standing with financial need which would otherwise prevent him or her from participating in study abroad. Eligibility: Preference is given to students planning to study abroad for one semester or longer, students with a stated desire to study in an Asian country and/or students of color.

For more questions about scholarships and grants, contact